Gifting in the Workplace

POSTED April 7, 2022 IN
BY: Darine Garcia

Everyone loves receiving gifts. There is joy in being thought of and given something that is suited specifically to you, your interests, or occupation. Opening a gift evokes WOW feelings of both pleasure and surprise! Why do we, as people who love to be gifted, then sometimes hesitate in gifting to others? It often comes down to the doubt that goes along with getting that perfect something for someone else. Morgen Marketing partners with clients to collaborate in selecting the perfect gift items for any occasion. The workplace environment provides a variety of gifting opportunities. Before we explore the when to and what to gift, let’s begin with the who to and the how to gift in the workplace.

Prior to giving a gift in a workplace environment, it’s important to check your company’s policy regarding gift giving. Some companies may not allow employees to accept gifts from certain people or for specific reasons, and may have restrictions on what is and what isn’t acceptable to give. In addition to this, gifting a superior should never be mandatory for any occasion, as doing so may add pressure and influence in regards to pay and preferential treatment or may appear that way. Group gifts to the boss is the norm in some office cultures, so you may want to consider joining in if you feel comfortable with that scenario. Gifts to coworkers should be professional and inclusive, meaning you shouldn’t leave any employees out or purposely gift items that would disrupt the environment that all employees inhabit, while also sticking to any spending limits that may be in the human resources manual.


While not necessary in a professional setting, celebrating a fellow employee’s birthday is always a good time and encourages a more friendly, established relationship between those working together. To show you’re thinking about that someone on their special day, think about giving a “Dinner in the Box” or a “Cozy S’mores & Cocoa Gift Bag. Birthdays are a time for fun, celebration, and delicious food. The meal kit industry is becoming more and more popular, with 77% of Americans preferring to eat a homemade meal over going out. Gift your co-workers with an easy opportunity to have a more enjoyable meal than they may have otherwise received.


Welcome Aboard

Whether it be a new client to thank or a new employee to welcome, a personal note and gift is one way to show the newcomer that you look forward to a future with them in your workplace. It is a great tone setter and way to get a working relationship off the ground. Types of gifts that would be great for this occasion would be a “Warm Welcome Gift Set,” a “Notes On-the-Go Gift Set,” or a “Tiny Terracotta Grow Kit.” Including items like notebooks, pens, plants, coffees, or anything that fits perfectly with a busy worker’s workday would be a great way to welcome someone into your office space. 


Promotions are a big deal, so why not let your employees know about theirs with a gift of congratulations? Let your employees know that you appreciate their hard work and how that has benefited the company or organization, and that you look forward to seeing them grow and develop in the new position. Gifts that would be great for newly promoted employees include a “Wine Gift Set” – only if you know the recipient very well–, a “BBQ Pit Master Gift Set,” a “14 Piece Deluxe Grill Tool Set.”



It’s not everyday that someone retires, so when it does happen it calls for a celebration.  To show recognition for your retiree and all they’ve done for you and your company, hold a party for them and gift them with a “Signature Collection Games Kit,” a “Golf Accessory Bag,” or other items that convey a sense of celebration and adventure.


Thank You

Saying thank you is an important part of any business practice, whether it’s to an employee, a client, or a fellow co-worker. If they did something remarkably helpful or if you’re simply in a grateful mood, sending a “Gratitude & Goodies Gift Box,” a “Gratitude 4-Piece Thank You Gift Set,” or a “Generous 3-Piece Thank You Gift Set” would be a great way to show your appreciation and gratitude. Who doesn’t enjoy receiving a thank you gift.




Celebrate the start date anniversary with a gift. Show them how thankful you are that they’re a part of your team or business circle. Consider the “Employee Lunch Set” or a “Conference at Home Kit” for employees or a “Serene House Relaxation Kit” for clients. These are gifts that would bring a smile when opened.


Congratulate your fellow employee or client when something big happens in their life with a perfect gift to fit their special occasion. If they’re leaving for maternity or paternity leave, get them a “Cuddlers Toy” or “Microfleece Baby Blanket” for their new baby and a “Seek Peace Take Care Kit” for the new parent. If they just got married, consider a “Bodum Bistro Set” or a “Heart Picnic Basket” to help create wonderful opportunities for the newlyweds to spend some time with each other. Whatever the occasion, find the gift that best suits them and whatever it is that requires a big congratulations.


Regardless of if you’re buying a gift for a birthday or to celebrate a wedding, Morgen Marketing has a multitude of resources and tools to help you find a gift to suit a client’s particular project. Gift giving is scientifically proven to cause you more joy than if you were to spend on yourself and creates a warm, engaging environment for any workspace. Morgen Marketing has the perfect gift for any occasion, so boost your reward circuitry and purchase a gift today!


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